
At The Blackbird, we are passionate about your experience. 

Our goal is to unite exceptional beer with flavoursome cuisine, crafting enduring impressions. 


These hours reflect when food can be ordered, but we remain open until guests are fulfilled with their experience:

Taco Tuesday 3-8pmish
Wednesday 12-9pm 
Thursday 12-9pm 
Friday 12-9pm 
Saturday 12-9pm
Sunday 12-7pm 

closed New Years Day
closed Canada Day
closed Thanksgiving Sunday
closed at 3:00 on Christmas Eve
closed Christmas Day
closed Boxing Day


For parties greater than 10, please email us

take away

Please call 905. 648. 8863 for take away.

Please note that our ability for pickup between 5:30- 7:30pm on Fridays and Saturdays is variable. Thank you for understanding!